Is your eyesight getting worse?
If you feel your eyesight is worsening suddenly or gradually, the best thing would be to visit an ophthalmologist (eye doctor). To understand why your eyesight may be deteriorating, we take a closer look at a few reasons: Younger age groups : (up to 40 years ) : Refractive errors : This is the most common cause of defective vision in this age group. It can either be for distant objects (Myopia) or for near (Hypermetropia). This can very easily be corrected by either glasses or contact lenses. Surgical procedures like LASIK, Contoura , and Phakic Intraocular lenses are other options that can free you from spectacle dependency. Keratoconus : This is a condition in which the front portion of the eye (i.e cornea) bulges forward resulting in blurring of vision , double vision , frequent changes of glass power and poor quality of vision even after wearing spectacles. Various modalities are available for treatment including collagen cross linking wit...