What Are The Things To Be Considered Before Lasik Treatment?
What Are The Things To Be Considered Before Lasik Treatment? Introduction Lasik surgery is done to improve vision. It alters the shape of cornea so that the light properly gets focused on retina resulting in clear vision. Like with any other surgical process, various precautions and questions comes in the mind of person planning to undergo Lasik surgery . What Are The Things To Be Considered Before Lasik Treatment? Following are some of the tips you should consider before having Laser surgery : Know about your surgeon: Know about your surgeon’s experience and the number of successful surgeries done by him/her. Choose a certified doctor for your treatment. Know about the risk of Lasik treatment: As this is a surgical process which involves a vital organ i.e. eye, you should ask your doctors about the risk involved in Lasik surgery. Ask questions about surgery: To avoid any surprise factor and anxiety, you should ask every minute det...