All About Topography Guided Laser Vision Correction
Approved by the FDA, Contoura VisionTM, or the Topography guided laser vision correction is the the most near perfect vision correction that you can get in Mumbai. It is not limited to just the spectacles prescription, on the whole, Contoura VisionTM treats even the smallest of imperfections that are unique to each patient’s cornea. This ability of Contoura VisionTM, to rectify both, the eye glass prescription and the corneal irregularities, makes the patient’s eye, focus better and also improves their vision. Ojas eye hospital in Mumbai, are the pioneers of bringing this advanced technology in Mumbai. Our highly experienced LASIK surgeons are equipped with, this most advanced excimer laser system. This laser system, measures the patients cornea, and communicates it to the software, so that the treatment can be carried out accordingly. On the day of the treatment, or the day before it, pictures of the patients eye is taken by the corneal topographer called the Vario or To...