Covid And Your Eyes: Affect And Protect
Introduction COVID-19 may also spread through eyes, although the incidences are very less. Further, COVID-19 may also affect the health of the eyes. The person should follow various measures toprevent the entry of Coronavirus through eyes. How Covid Affect The Eyes? Coronavirus affects the eyes in a variety of ways. The ways include: Contracting infection : Coronavirus spreads through the mucus membrane. Whenever a person infected with Coronavirus speaks, coughs, or sneezes, the droplet containing the virus may stickto the mucus membrane of the nose or mouth and can get inhaled. Similarly, the eye also has amucus membrane known as the conjunctiva. Thus, when the droplets containing the virus stickson the conjunctiva, it may lead to infection. However, the infection due to the ocular channel israre. Further, when a healthy person touches the infected surface and then touches the eyes ornose, he may contract the infection. There is no evidence that coronavirus causes serious damage...