Treatment of Eye Emergencies at Ojas Eye Hospital in Mumbai
The Eye is a very delicate organ. Any event of the eye or change in the vision needs immediate medical attention. Although finding yourself in an emergency condition itself is scary, and if your visibility is affected, it makes it even more worrisome .First thing in an emergency is to remain calm and one panics , you tend to injure yourself more. Our body is prepared to manage stressful conditions and by being aware and precautionary about certain situations you can handle and avoid eye emergencies more efficiently. Symptoms of eye injury These below mentioned symptoms need medical attention from your eye doctor : Burning or stinging sensation Eye pain Decreased vision Different size of pupil Sensitivity to light Redness and irritation Headaches Bleeding from the eye Reduced eye movement Swelling of eyelids and eyes Skin Tear or cut in the eyelid region Appearance of a veil or curtain , affecting vision First aid tips Eye injury is crucial as it may cause temporary or permanent vi...