
Showing posts from April, 2019

Paediatric eye doctor in Mumbai

Paediatric eye doctor in Mumbai Childhood eye problems are common. Eyes that ‘wander’, vision problems, eye infections, and eye injuries are all common among children. You can help protect your child’s eyesight by watching out for warning signs and taking your child to a doctor at the first sign of a problem. Watch for: Eyes that cross or one eye that turns in or out or up or down One eye that seems different in some ways such as a larger or smaller pupil Eyes that look crusty, swollen, bloodshot or red-rimmed Any discharge, bleeding or red bumps on the eyelids A pupil that shows a white rather than a red reflection in a colour photograph Child Behaviour Closing one eye or turning or tilting to see things. Squinting to see things in the distance. Consistently holding objects close to the face or sitting very close to the TV (most Children do this sometimes) Frequently blinking or rubbing one eye. Running into objects or falling down at night or in places that...

Paediatric eye doctor in Mumbai - Eye hospital in mumbai for your child

Paediatric eye doctor in Mumbai - Eye hospital in Mumbai for your child Common Eye Problems In Children Amblyopia (Lazy Eyes) Strabismus (Cross or Wandering Eyes) Myopia (Near Sightedness) Hyperopia (Farsightedness) Astigmatism(Cylindrical Eye power) Blocked Tear Ducts(Watering eyes) Eye Movement Disorders Conjunctivitis (Pink Eyes) Eye Injuries Eye Infections like Stye, Lid swelling, cyst etc. Ptosis (Droopy Eyelids) Congenital Glaucoma(High eye pressure) Nystagmus(Shaky eyes) You can help protect your child’s eyesight by watching for the warning signs and taking your child to a pediatric eye doctor at the earliest sign of a problem. Normal Eyes Wandering Eyes Wandering Eye Sometimes a child’s eyes don’t work together as they should. One eye may be “Lazy” and wander in or out, or up or down ( squint or strabismus ).The brain receives a different image from each eye. The brain may switch back and forth between the two images, or it may turn off one im...

Keratoconus treatment in Mumbai

Keratoconus  is a progressive disease of the outer transparent layer of the eye ball called the cornea affecting children and young adults. It is characterized by progressive weakening and thinning of the normally round cornea causing it to bulge forward and assume a cone like shape .This corneal steepening and irregularity results in the formation of distorted image of objects on the retina & gives rise to blurred vision. It generally affects both eyes but can also occur only in one eye. What are the symptoms & signs of keratoconus? Keratoconus  is detected usually on routine eye examination by the eye doctor.  Keratoconus patient may have  frequent change of glasses, presence of high cylindrical power (astigmatism) and also have increased habit of eye rubbing. In advanced stage of  keratoconus  glasses do not help the patient to see clearly and they have to switch to using hard or semi-soft contact lenses to see clearly. Eye specialist ...

Lasik treatment in Mumbai, bandra / Lasik eye surgery in Mumbai

What is LASIK LASIK or ‘Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis’ is one of the most trusted laser eye surgeries for the treatment lasikasaof Myopia (near-sightedness), Hyperopia (far-sightedness), and Astigmatism (blurred vision). This laser vision correction technique is performed on the cornea so that light entering the eye can be focused on the retina for clearer vision.  LASIK  will completely eliminate your dependence on spectacles or contact lenses in a short 15 minute surgery. What Is Custom Lasik? Custom  LASIK  is a procedure that involves the use of a wavefront analyzer which helps the surgeon to customize the  LASIK procedure  to every individual eye. Customized procedure enables a person to see clearer and shaper than before and thus improves the quality of vision. Custom LASIK  uses an equipment called the wavefront analyzer (aberrometer) to accurately measure the way light travels through the eye.The resulting map of the eye ...

Cataract Surgery In Mumbai (ojaseyehospital)

The opacification of the normally transparent lens is called cataract. The Latin word ‘cataracta’ means ‘waterfall’. Imagine trying to peer through a sheet of falling water or through a frosted or fogged-up window. Development of Cataract varies from person to person but as a general rule, most cataracts develop slowly over a period of time. A cataract can take months or even years to reach a point where it adversely affects vision. Causes of cataract Age-related cataract The cataract occurs as a result of the natural aging process of lens fibres which become opaque over a period of time. Traumatic cataract Due to a direct penetrating injury. Concussion- Electric shock and lightning. Ionizing radiation done as treatment for ocular tumors. Surgical trauma Metabolic cataract: Defect in body metabolism Diabetes Galactosaemia -inborn error of metabolism Calcium disorders Steroid-induced cataract This occurs as a result of excess intake of oral steroid or putt...