Paediatric eye doctor in Mumbai - Eye hospital in mumbai for your child
Paediatric eye doctor in Mumbai - Eye hospital in Mumbai for your child
Common Eye Problems In Children
- Amblyopia (Lazy Eyes)
- Strabismus (Cross or Wandering Eyes)
- Myopia (Near Sightedness)
- Hyperopia (Farsightedness)
- Astigmatism(Cylindrical Eye power)
- Blocked Tear Ducts(Watering eyes)
- Eye Movement Disorders
- Conjunctivitis (Pink Eyes)
- Eye Injuries
- Eye Infections like Stye, Lid swelling, cyst etc.
- Ptosis (Droopy Eyelids)
- Congenital Glaucoma(High eye pressure)
- Nystagmus(Shaky eyes)
You can help protect your child’s eyesight by watching for the warning signs and taking your child to a pediatric eye doctor at the earliest sign of a problem.
Normal Eyes
Wandering Eyes
Wandering Eye
Sometimes a child’s eyes don’t work together as they should. One eye may be “Lazy” and wander in or out, or up or down (squint or strabismus).The brain receives a different image from each eye. The brain may switch back and forth between the two images, or it may turn off one image. If it turns off one image, the child stops using that eye resulting in a lazy eye (amblyopia). One eye may wander all the time or only when your child is tired, ill, or looking at nearby objects. Infants’ eyes normally wander, but if one eye shows signs of wandering after the age of 2 or 3 months, your child needs a detailed eye checkup. Treatment may involve patching, eye drops, glasses or surgery.
Vision Problems
Sometimes a child cannot see objects that are far away (nearsightedness) or objects that are up close (Farsightedness). A child can even be so farsighted that both nearby and distant objects are unclear. If the front of the child’s eye is irregularly curved (astigmatism), objects look blurry at all distances.
However, these common childhood vision problems can almost always be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. In some cases, vision problems can lead to amblyopia (lazy eye) if not corrected.
If your child has normal vision,
objects are in focus at all distances.
If your child is nearsighted,
objects get hazy further away they are.
Infections & Injuries
Eye infections and injuries are common in children. Viral and bacterial infections spread quickly through classrooms and daycare centers. Children can also be hit in the eye or get dirt, foreign object in their eyes. Eye infections and injuries need to be treated promptly, as some can cause permanent damage to the eye.
How Does Your Child’s Eye Appear
Anything unusual in the way your child’s eyes appear can be a sign of a problem. Watch for the following:
- Eyesthat cross or one eye that turns inwards, outwards, upwards or downwards.
- One eye that seems different in some way, such as a larger or smaller Pupil.
- Eyes that look crusty, swollen, bloodshot or red- rimmed.
- Any discharge, bleeding, or red bumps on the eyelids.
- A pupil that shows a white rather than a red reflection in a color photograph.
How Does Your Child Behave
Unusual behaviour can sometimes be a sign of an eye problem. Watch your child for any of the following warning signs:
- Closing one eye, turning or tilting the head to see things
- Squeezing the eyes to see things ata distance.
- Not seeing things you point out.
- Consistently holding objects close to the face or sitting very close to the TV (Most children do this sometimes)
- Excessive binking or rubbing one eye
- Running into objects or falling down at night or in places that aren’t well lit.
What Does Your Child Say
Once your child is of school going age, he or she may be able to tell you about eye problems. Listen for mention of the following:
- Not seeing the board at school
- Itching, burning, scratchy or watery eyes
- Getting hit in the eye, or prickly feeling in the eye.
- One or both eyes hurting or pain in or around one or both eyes
- Inability to face the bright light
- Headache
Headaches And Dyslexia
Headaches and Dyslexia (inability to recognize letters and words) usually aren’t caused by eye conditions. However, if either is a problem, your child should have an eye exam to rule out eye coordination or vision problems.
Preparing Your Child For An Eye Exam
Your child may be afraid of an eye exam and may not cooperate. You can help by telling your child what to expect:
- There will not be any injection given.
- The doctor may put drops in your eyes. The drops may sting for a few seconds, and your vision may get a little blurry, but it will become normal in some time.
- The doctor will shine a light in your eyes to see inside them.
- The doctor will ask you to name pictures or letters or point to things. You may wear special glasses or sit in front of a game machine.
Your Role As A Parent
Pay attention to your child’s eyes and behavior. Call the doctor if you notice any eye problem or if your child complains. And have your child’s eyes checked at 6 months, 3 years, 5 years and then yearlyupto18years age. Correcting vision problems early is the best way to protect your child’s sight.
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